The ball of lustre that I am, exuding glee, beauty and worth, is courtesy of the labs that create artful pieces of life like me. I am Heera, the offspring of Vyasa, where I was studded into gold to redefine the history of the diamond jewellery fashion industry. I am a pure piece of carbon grown from a single seed, using modern technological infrastructure, that recreates earth conditions, whilst in Lab. Vyasa is my parent organisation that has warranted my creation into this world. With utmost care and precision, I was baked in the warmth of lab chambers and aided with the accurate vacuum conditions that were required for my birth. Inside man-made labs, I was created in peaceful conditions, provided with a fertile chamber that could withstand the environment needed for my growth i.e. germination from a solo diamond seed into a full grown, real diamond. My entire birth process, from conception to complete creation, was supported by means that are sustainable and absolutely conflict free. In fact, in vitro diamond creation is a process that is supportive of human effort in the most ethical ways. It generates legitimate employment opportunities for the whole supply chain, without any abuse or exploitation.

I, Heera, was ushered out of my birth chambers, by the caring hands of technicians and lab experts, who made sure that I was most delicately handled and well preserved to move ahead in my voyage, to be further shaped into jewellery that represents not only timeless beauty, but also, an unparalleled history that ensures implementation of a novel approach of manufacturing diamond jewellery that allows sustaining natural earth resources and nullifying human exploitation.
My diamond soul is elated to its full content, living a life of peace, and radiating an even high quality sheen. It is fully aware that there will never be any bloodshed or loss of human life, while I am being offered ahead to buyers, as a precious jewel.
My life, as a diamond at Vyasa, has been magical beyond words. I have been augmented into the most exquisite jewellery, by the finest craftsmen who are passionate and they work diligently under safe conditions, immortalising ingenious designs.